
" Silence has many qualities.....

There is the silence between two noises, the silence between two notes,

the widening silence between two thoughts.

There is that peculiar quiet pervading silence that comes on an evening

in the country, there is the silence through which you hear the bark of a

dog in the distance, of the whistle of a train, as it comes up a steep grade,

the silence of a house when everybody has gone to sleep, and the peculiar

emphasis when you wake up in the middle of the night and listen to an owl

booting in the valley.

There is the silence of the mind, which is never touched by any noise,

any thought, or by the passing winds of experience.

It is the silence which is innocent, and so endless. 

When there is silence of the mind, action springs from it, and this action

does not cause confusion or misery.

The meditative mind flows in this silence, and love is the way of this mind.

In this silence there is bliss and laughter. "

J. Krishnamurti